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My Sassy Girl (Yeopgijeogin geunyeo)


My Sassy Girl (Yeopgijeogin geunyeo)
DISCLAIMER: I know this movie is based on a story first published on the internet and then into book form. I have never read that original version. So my review is solely based on the movie. I am sorry if my observations do noy accurately convey the original author's intentions for the story.

This Korean film definitely falls into the typical romantic comedy genre, but its unque storyline makes it stand out above the rest. The story starts with introducing us to the main character, Kyun-woo, who is a soft spoken, soft hearted college student. And one night, he gets accidently dragged into this 'sassy' girl's life. This girl is also a college stduent, but that is where the similarities end. Unlike Kyun-woo, the girl is brash, rude, and yes, physically violent. Calling her sassy is actually an understatement.

From there, their relationship grows with the girl dragging Kyun-woo around on various wacky and what are seemingly random adventures. The girl is often abusive towards Kyun-woo, and gives him mixed signals with her on-again, off-again attitude. But Kyun-woo, being the pushover he is, never confronts her. He is just happy to be with her as he is both attracted and intrigued by her. So their relationship is never clearly defined through much of the story. Eventually though, we find out the history of this 'sassy' girl and the reason behind much of what she does. And the story ends with a surprise ending that ties up the loose ends nicely.

This story is mostly told from the point of view of Kyun-woo, which works out very well. It feels like he is trying to figure out this girl along with the audience. Another intersting angle to this film is that the lead female character, this sassy girl, is never even identified by name in the film. So we simply know her as 'this girl'. This is not at all obvious though, because besides Kyun-woo and the girl, there are hardly any other signficant characters in the movie. Most of the dialogue and interaction is just between these two characters. But with the good chemistry these two have combined with a enjoyable plot, this is hardly noticible either.

Although I am no drama critic, I found the actress, who plays the girl, did very well. Ji-hyun Jun showed the wide range of emotion needed for the role of the girl. From drunken stupor to acting like a spoiled brat to expressing genuine sorrow, Ji-hyun Jun was able to portray a charcter that makes you want to smack and care for at the same time. And I believe this is the filnaker's intention. And this may be why the character of Kyun-woo cares for her.

Similarly, the actor who plays Kyun-woo, Tae-hyun Cha, also showed a good performance. Many people may simply see Kyun-woo as the victim of an abusive relationship (in a comical way of course). However, I also see Kyun-woo as an unsung hero. Even though he doesn't understand the reason behind it, he purposely lets the girl take out her pent up anger and suppressed emotions on him, in hopes of trying to help her overcome whatever was bothering her. And I think Tae-kyun Cha portrays that very well.

The story does get sappy at times, but there are plenty of upbeat and funny moments that keep the story moving at an enjoyable pace. In fact, I found myself laughing out numerous times, something I rarely do during movies of this type. Overall, I found 'My Sassy Girlfriend' to be funny, touching, and without souding too mushy, sweet. I highly recommend this film.
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